Monday, August 16, 2010

WEEK 4 - Integrating ICT in the classroom; Dust echoes

ICT in the primary classroom:

In the 21st Century education, ICT use is the prime focus in the primary classroom. Although we may still use books and pencils as well as worksheets, computer use is important in that it allows students to learn how to use various educational programs which will inturn boost their confidence in having more then one successful way to learn. ICT is beneficial in the sense that it recognizes students skills and weaknessess and it later advances students fluency in a range of areas of study. ICT use in the classroom also promotes creativity to students work; not only should the internet be used but also programs such as Microsoft office to aid in presenting an academic peice of writing and the use of powerpoint presentation to show different forms and layouts.

Week 4 Lecture - Critical Thinking

Basically critical thinking refers to the the individual thinking clearly and deeply. When thinking critically, one will also develop a sense of thinking independently. Critical thinking involves solving problems on his/her own, construct and evaluate arguments, the ability of justifying arguments etc. Thinking Critically also involves promoting creativity.

A useful website on critical thinking is provided in the link below:

Workshop: Dust Echoes

This week in our Learning Technologies workshop, we were required to visit the Dust Echoes website and watch Aboriginal Dreamtime stories. The purpose of this lesson was to carefully choose a dreamtime film from the dust echoes wesite and to retell the story in the form of a concept map - i used the program 'inspiration' as it makes it quite easy to develop a concept map and make links from scene to scene. The Dust Echoes website is a useful site for students to visit as it clearly talks about Aboriginal history which can aid in literacy as well as ART learning units. The website is user friendly as each story has its own explanation, activities to follow and learning focus. Nowadays in primary schools, Aborginal studies is incorporated in certain subjects as it is important for all Australian students to learn and know about Aboriginal culture. This website is useful and it will help students understand Aboriginal life and history.

The link for this useful website is below:

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